Psalms 90:8 "You have set our iniquities before you, our secret sins in the light of your presence.

Sitting on the couch, sipping a cup of tea my Bible open on my lap.  Reading Psalm 90.  As I read a beam of sun came through the window, and exposed what appeared to be a clean room. 

I was amazed at the dust on the coffee table, and a couple of spots on the carpet.  Yes, that sunbeam was exposing my dust and dirt. 

This verse suddenly had new and profound meaning for me.  I drew a little picture in the margin of my Bible and wrote "God pervades us as the sunbeam reveals all the impurities in our life! Search me O God!

Dear Heavenly Father, help me not to be afraid of your sunbeam revealing my secret sins.  This is only for my purification.  Help me to see it, confess it, and get on with basking in your light, and the light of your Word.  I love you. Amen.


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1 comment:

  1. Nothing like a little light to expose our sins! THe light of Jesus!


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