no matter what

"God is our refuge and strength, 
a very present help in trouble"
(Psalm 46:1)

Although we know that God always hears our prayers, we also know that He doesn't always answer them in the way that we desired.  But He does answer them in the way that is best according to His Sovereign Authority. We can rest in the fact that our LORD cares about the desires of our heart. He cares deeply about those thingss that concern us. But He also knows the whole picture of our lives so He does things and allows things according to His will for us. 

My sister, who is 53, has been on a journey with cancer for a solid year now and the intended goal was remission from the terrible disease. Yesterday marked exactly one year from diagnosis and we found ourselves in the Bone Marrow Tranplant Unit awaiting results from the tests that were done 2 weeks ago. The Lord had given me a sweet peace all week long and so when the news came that didn't match up with our hopes, I didn't crumble. I was heart broken, but I was okay. We were okay.

So now, my precious sister begins a new regimen of chemotherapy. She starts the whole process over again. And although the stem cell transplant did decrease the disease by 62%, multiple myeloma is a formidable foe in its resliance. But we march forward in the strength of The Lord. We set our eyes back on Him and put our faith and our trust in the One who can heal. We continue to believe that He is performing a miracle in her. We continue to know that He is good. We continue to believe in the power of prayer and in the power of our mighty and awesome God.

Because no matter what, He is enough.  And He is good. And He is my God.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

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