He hears

When we cry out to our loving God, we certainly stand on His Word that He hears us. Many times in the scriptures we see that our loving God indeed hears our cries.

"O LORD God of my salvation, I have cried day and 
night before thee; Let my prayer come 
before thee; incline thine ear unto my cry"
(Psalm 88:1-2)

But, we need to make sure that we are confessed up and cleansed before we come before Him in prayer. In Psalm 66:18, the Word tells us "if I regard iniquity in my heart, The Lord will not hear me".

Unconfessed sin in our life closes the ears of God, denies His Sovereignty and Holiness and denies His redemptive mercy. We need to always pour out our hearts in confession and ask forgiveness of our sins before we begin uttering our prayers to Him. When we do this, He will hear our cries and respond to them. He is a loving and caring God.


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