Sweet Father, I lift up every hurting heart to you today. Minister healing and comfort to all those who are burdened or heavy hearted. Send your sweet Holy Spirit to each person in need and apply a soothing balm to their wounded spirits.

Sweet Father, I lift up every person in need of physical healing to you. May your mighty and powerful healing hand reach down and touch and begin to bring restoration of health to each person with a need for healing. Give them peace as they rely on you to bring wholeness of body and help them to keep their faces turned toward you. May they believe that you can do the impossible in their lives.

Sweet Father, bless each person who reads here today. May they feel your sweet presence in their lives and may they be drawn close to your side. Minister to their hearts and minds and souls. Fill them with your sweet goodness and love. Help them to keep you first in their lives.

But these are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through his name. (John 20:31 KJV)

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