Many times when my heart is heavy, I turn to the prayers of a saintly man who wrote the Diary of Private Prayer, John Baillie ~ published in 1941.

This is an excerpt that spoke my heart this morning.

" O Lord Jesus Christ, who didst bid Thy disciples to shine as lights in a dark world, in shame and condition of heart do I acknowledge before Thee the many faults and weaknesses of which we are guilty who in this generation represent Thy Church before the world, and especially do I acknowledge my own part in the same.

Forgive me I beseech Thee, the feebleness of my witness, the smallness of my charity, and the slackness of my zeal.  Make me to be a more worthy follower of Him who cared for the poor and the oppressed, and who could never see disease without seeking to heal it or any kind of human need without turning aside to help.

Let Thy power, O Christ, be in us all to share the world's suffering and redress its wrongs.  Amen.
Perhaps I was feeling this way because it's hard to know who and who not to help when so many people approach you for a handout.  Are they really in need?  Is it a scam?  Lord help me to know who to reach out to and those YOU would have me help and those I can not help and not feel guilty.


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