dig deep!

Do you desire to have a dynamic prayer life? In order for this to happen there have to be some dynamic things happening in your relationship with Jesus. Our prayer lives will only be as powerful as our intimacy with God. Here are a few things that the Lord has shown me that will enrich your time with Him and enable your prayer life to take off to a new level.

*Read the Word until it comes alive. Read it until you feel the very breath of God on your skin.

* Mediate on the scripture daily. Don't just read it but dig deeper.

* Wrestle with what you have read and truly experience God.

* Delight in His presence!

* Cultivate a spirit of fervency in your quest to experience Him and His presence.

* Come before Him in silence. (Psalm 46:10)

Do you desire to encounter your Savior in a new way? Do you make a point to seek Him daily? If you are passionate about Him and really want to go deeper with Him, do these things. As you press in fully and bow your heart in desperation and sincerity, you will begin to see and hear the pulsating heart of our Almighty God.

Dig deep!

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

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