
Psalm 116:15 (ESV)
   Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints.

Psalm 72:14 (ESV)
    ….. precious is their blood in his sight.

On May 14, Pastor Faye Pama, Secretary of the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) Borno State and Senior Pastor of Rhema Assembly Church, was murdered by Boko Haram militants. The attackers reportedly followed Pastor Pama to his home in Maiduguri after he left a Bible study at his church. The gunmen dragged Pastor Pama out of his house and shot him to death in front of his 17-year-old daughter as she pleaded for his life. Pastor Pama was a husband and father of four children, ages 19, 17, 11 and 6. He served in ministry leadership for more than 26 years and believed that Muslims could be won to Christ only by showing them love, rather than through fighting.
NIGERIA—Pastor Murdered by Muslim Militants VOM Sources

Hebrews 13:3 (NLT)
   ……Remember also those being mistreated, as if you felt their pain in your own bodies.

Father, when I think of such a noble sacrifice by one of your saints who in love reached out to share the Gospel with friends and enemies alike…..when I think of the grief his family is suffering in agonizing bereavement…..when I think of the loss his Church will endure without their beloved Pastor’s shepherding…….when I think of his community that will miss his dynamic and faithful ministry, I too am grieved, and distraught by the death of a brother unknown to me yet a fellow believer in Christ. 

Father, when I think of so much suffering in the world today I am reminded that none of it is without your knowledge, your concern, and your sovereign will. And I am reminded of Romans 8:28 which tell us of your purpose. So we do remember our brothers and sister in Christ today and in remembering them we pray for your blessing on them mindful that….”those who suffer according to God's will should commit themselves to their faithful Creator and continue to do good. 1 Peter 4:19 (NIV)

Because we love and trust you Father, amen.


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