Elizabeth Elliot found this prayer in her mother's prayer journal praying for her children.  I was touch with this prayer as it reflects my own feelings for my own children and grandchildren. Will you join me in praying this for all our children.

"Father, our children keep.
We know not what is coming upon the earth.
Beneath the shadow of Thy heavenly wing,
O keep them, keep them, Thou who gavest them birth.

Father, draw nearer to us.
Draw firmer around us Thy protecting arm.
O clasp our children closer to Thy side,
Uninjured in the day of earth's alarm.
Then in Thy chambers hide,
O hide them and preserve them calm and safe.
When sin abounds, and error flows abroad
And Satan tempts and human passions chafe.

O keep them undefiled,
Unspotted from a tempting world of sin,
That, clothed in white, through the bright city gates,
They may with triumph enter in."


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

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