1 Samuel 30:3-4 (NIV)
   So David and his men wept aloud until they had no strength left to weep.

Father we weep with those in Boston who have suffered such immeasurable pain and grief nearly beyond consolation. The loss of loved ones never to be seen again in this life. The loss of limbs that will be a perpetual reminder of a joyous day turned into madness by malicious, evil men. Physical scares that mark the bodies of innocent people watching friends finish a marathon then running for their own lives.

We mourn with them and pray for your peace alone that passes all understanding. We pray for your justice to prevail, your grace to intercede and your love to sustain each and every one who goes through this deep valley of death. You are our God, our Savior and our closest friend. You are with us in all places. Even when we can weep no longer in our weakness your strength sustains us.

Thank you Father for your presence with us and your help in our time of need.


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