intercession on our behalf

"Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities; 
for we know not what we should pray
for as we ought; but the
Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with
groanings that cannot be uttered"
(Romans 8:26) KJV

How amazing is our God that when we, in our flesh, can't formulate the necessary words for prayer, He provides the sweet Holy Spirit to take over for us! When we just don't even know the words to utter, He steps in. When we are sometimes so deep in a pit of despair that we don't even know what to ask or to petition our God for, the Holy Spirit takes over.

How awesome is our God that we serve? God knows our every prayer before we even say a word. He knows the cry of our heart. He knows the deep need of our spirits. He knows the longing of our souls. And the precious Spirit of God intercedes on our behalf and goes to the Father for us.

So the next time you open your mouth to pray and you just don't even know what to say,  remember that the Holy Spirit knows and that He is already making a way for us through intercession to the Father with groanings that cannot be uttered.

Thank you sweet Father, for being everything that I can't. Thank you for life and for redemption. Thank you for forgiveness of sins and eternal life with you. Thank you Father God, for your precious Son, Jesus Christ. Because of His sacrifice, I am redeemed and forever yours!


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

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