Dear Lord, as sunshine pervades this day, and Your light shines so brightly over your creation I am reminded of Your word in Psalms 90:8 "You have set our iniquities before You, our secret sins in the light of your presence."

Oh Lord, I cannot be in the sunshine of your presence and not see the secrets of my heart.  As painful as it is, to have my sins revealed, I know you do this because you love me, and long for me to seek your forgiveness and enjoy Your fellowship.

So I say, search my heart, take control of every area of my life.  It's my desire to bring you honor and glory.  You are an awesome Father, and I love being your child.  Let Your love shine through me today, and draw some unbeliever to the "Light".  I pray this in Your Son's Holy Name, Jesus Christ.   Amen.


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