The Gift of Today

Psalm 118:24 (ESV)
   This is the day that the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Prayer is always the best way to begin the day at sunrise or conclude it at sunset. It is a perfect bracket to indicate the value of that day as a gift of God and our desire and determination to live it for His glory. So, I offer this prayer for Saturday January 5th.

 Father, we thank You for the gift of this day. May its seconds, minutes and hours be filled with purposeful living and meaningful relationships. May your glory be our goal, your will  our pleasure and your love the expression of our lives.

 Others we encounter may be going rough times in their lives. Help us to be helpful to them. May we be enabled to lift their burden, ease their pain, comfort their heart and give them a since of hope that only comes from You.

 Father, at the end of this day, may we sleep in the peaceful rest of a satisfied life looking forward to sunrise tomorrow and the gift of another day.

 We thank you for this Father in the Name of Your beloved Son and our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.



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