by their fruit

"Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them"
(Matthew 7:20)

Too many times we think prayer is insignificant in our lives, when the truth is that prayer is the MOST important part of our relationship with Jesus. Prayer is where we become intimate with our Savior. It is where we receive the power manifested unto the Lord from His Father. It is where we grow and where we begin to live and begin to bear fruit.

If we want to bear fruit, we must keep ourselves aligned with Christ and the best way to do that is to stay on our faces before a Holy God. Prayer is the answer to all of our questions and problems.

Father, I so desire to bear fruit of you in my life. Help me to keep myself humble before you. Help me to realize the importance and necessity of a consistent prayer life. Help me to seek you early. I love you with all of my heart and soul and want to be like you. Thank you for the empowerment of your Holy Spirit in my life.l


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