prayer is essential

Prayer is essential in the lives of Christians. It is our lifeline. It is personal and intimate conversation with our Lord and Savior. It is the way we build a close relationship with God. 

Prayer is about worship. It is about thanksgiving. It is about praising our God and Father for who He is. Prayer is communion with the One who is all power and all strength. 

Prayer is more than asking for things. Prayer is about pouring ourselves to our Master and giving Him the honor and glory that He deserves. When we focus on His glory and His righteousness and His worthiness, our prayers become a form of worship and we receive much more than any tangible reward. We receive His presence in our lives. And that is more than enough.

"But we will give ourselves continually to prayer,
and to the ministry of the Word"
(Acts 6:4)


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

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