A Prayer for Safety

Dear Lord God,

I come at the risk of being redundant and bring before you once again the friends and family of the two firefighters killed and other two injured in this week's West Webster shootings. We are still a community in shock and sorrow. Our hotels will be filled with out of town firemen this weekend, come to honor their fallen brothers. Thank you, Father, for the generosity of those in this community and beyond who have given monetarily to pay for rooms and food.

I pray comfort for hurting families; mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters, a wife and her children. The pain cuts deep, especially when death comes suddenly, violently, and senselessly. There are no answers as to why, not really, only the painful awareness evil has reared it's ugly head once again.

I ask your protection on roads that are wet, icy, or snow covered, and a reprieve for our tired and grieving first responders. I pray that those who lost homes and possessions int he fire will have their needs met in miraculous ways, and that You would guide Your people to step in where You lead. I pray that You would bring beauty out of ashes and work salvation in hearts and lives.

And, Lord, this incident has brought into the news once again  another Webster tragedy; last year's fatal fire. I pray Your peace and comfort for that family who will face scrutinizing news coverage as the arsonist goes to trial in January. Their pain is mine as I hurt for my friends. Please be near, dear Lord.


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1 comment:

  1. Thank you Martha...we can't hear about it too much...we need to remember and pray.


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