Prayers for Storm Recovery

Twenty people have died recently as a hurricane swept through Staten Island, New York. I grew up there and still have relatives in that place who survived the storm but do not have power in their homes. So I ask you to join me in this prayer, offered by a Jewish group, for that island, the Jersey shore where I once lived and for all those who were and are affected by this awful storm.

We pray that those who suffer find comfort through their faith in You and through the loving kindness of those emergency workers and volunteers who have come to their aid.

We pray that those who have lost so much have the fortitude to rebuild their lives. Let us seek out ways to help them build their tents anew and make of them, once again, havens of healing and hospitality. May all who have been battered by this storm discover many hearts and hands open to them. None of us stands alone in times of trouble.

Blessed are You, Lord God. You are the Source of our strength.


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