open your mouth wide

Too often we neglect the awesome privilege of prayer in our lives. We tend to forget that He desires for us to commune with Him. He desires for us to fling our hearts open wide to Him. He wants us to spend time on our faces crying out to Him.

 When we bow before a holy God and pour our hearts out to Him, we open ourselves up to a HUGE revelation of His Spirit. When we cry out to Him in thanksgiving and praise and petition, He is ready to do some amazing things in our spiritual lives. Our God is just waiting for us to open up the lines of communication with Him. He wants us to want Him.

I challenge you to get prostrate before our sweet Savior and let your deepest longings be known to Him. Pour out. Cry out. Tell Him the intimacies of your heart and allow Him to do a mighty work in you. Get on your face in eager expectation of what He will reveal to your heart and spirit. He will never fail you. He will never leave you wanting. He will always supply just what you need.

"I am the LORD thy God, which brought
thee out of the land of Egypt; open thy mouth wide,
and I will fill it"
(Psalm 84:10)

Open your mouth wide today and let God fill it up with His goodness.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

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