what is prayer?

"The value of persistent prayer is NOT that God
will hear us, but that we will finally hear God" 
--W. McGill

What is prayer? 

It is our amazing gift for communication with the Lord.
It is the way we can be "face-to-face" with our God. 

It is a privilege. It is powerful. 

Prayer time should be filled with passion and sweet anticipation of hearing Him speak.

We should long to enter into the sacredness of prayer with our Savior. It should compel us to fall on our faces before Him in humility seeking to commune with the Creator of all.

Prayer.  Our time to just bask in the presence of Jesus. What an honor. What an unbelievable and precious gift He has given us. 

Oh, Lord, help us to never take for granted the amazing and wonderful power and privilege of prayer. Help us to seek your face daily so we can listen to what you have to say to us. You are the best and so worthy of our time. May we reverence you with all the honor that is so due you.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

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