Prayers for Safety

When this prayer is published, my dearest and I will be in Idaho visiting with a cousin.  Anytime we travel, and this year we have done more than any other time in one year, we always say prayer for safety and God's will in our travels.

We took care of Don's Aunt for 8 months before she passed away, and her daughter and sil have sent us tickets to Idaho to visit them.

Dear Lord, I know we are not the only people traveling this week, so many in so many places, near or far away.  Lord we pray for your guardian angels to wrap their wings around us and keep us safe.  We know that nothing can touch us without first going through your divine filter, so Lord, we pray that in You will we will be accepting of anything you allow.  Father, thank you that last week, you protected me in my "fender bender" and also the other lady involved in the mishap.  You are Good, You are Gracious, You are Holy!  I love you.  Amen.

*picture of Idaho from


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