Three personal prayers I'm sharing so you can lift these dear people up in your prayers too.

Dear Lord, thank you so much for bringing my brother, Hal, through a difficult surgery.  Thank you that all the infected areas have been successfully removed.  Lord thank you that he is out of ICU and on the way a full recovery.  Lord, if the pathology shows cancer, please let the chemo be speedy and complete.  You are such a gracious God, and your mercy endures forever.

Lord, I being before you our dear friends Sue and Dave as he awaits treatment for a blockage.  You know everything about Dave's body and I know you are already working on this problem and the remedy.  Thank you for doctors that have the wisdom and knowledge to take care of these kinds of blockages.  Be with Sue, and calm her heart as she awaits the plans for Dave.

Heavenly Father, I pray for our Pastor Jon who has been down in his back for several weeks, and unable to get relief from the pain.  Thank you for the tests he is undergoing, and Lord I pray for results that will bring him comfort and relief from the pain, and bring You glory.  Thank you that my dearest, Pastor Don will be able to fill in for him tomorrow, and bring a message of Your love and serve Communion.

For all this we give thanks in the name of names, Jesus Christ the Holy One.  We love and adore You.  Amen

* The picture is a stained glass window in a little church we visited in Yreka, CA on our trip to see my brother.

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

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