Nothing too hard for our God

I am so thankful that our God can do anything. There is nothing too hard for Him. There is no problem too hard. No sickness too much. No mountain too high and no valley too deep. Wherever we are in our journey, He is there. Walking right beside us and holding our hands. Cradling us in His arms and allowing us to feel His presence. He is so good.

Our God is faithful. In all things. His Word is true and we can hold tight to it and we can know that there is NOTHING too hard for our God. Praise you Jesus!

"Ah LORD God! Behold, thou hast made the heaven
and the earth by thy great power and stretched out
arm, and there is nothing too hard for thee"
(Jeremiah 32:17)


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.


  1. Thank you for your prayer, Beth. I needed this tonight as I have been reading on meningitis caused by Strep B infections. My new grandson is a very sick little boy, but no sickness is too much and we are cradled in the arms of God because He is our Father.


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