we know He hears

When we lift up our voices in prayer to our very mighty and powerful God, we should do so with eager expectancy. We know that our God hears our every petition. He hears our cry and he cares. We can have the sweet assurance that nothing we are going through goes unnoticed by our Lord. He cares about the smallest details of our lives and those things that matter to us matter to Him even more. So whenever we hit our faces in prayer, we can be certain that He already knows what we are going through and that He is just waiting for us to voice it to Him so He can begin ministering to our hearts and souls. 

We may not always get the answer that our flesh desires, but we always get the answer that will lead to the greatest glory in our lives. God is faithful and we can trust and believe that the answer to our prayers will always be what is best for us. 

So lift your voice to God and expect that He will begin a mighty work in your life. 

"I call on the LORD in my distress, and he answers me"
(Psalm 120:1)


"I lift up  my eyes to the mountains - where does my help
come from? My help comes from the LORD, the
Maker of Heaven and earth"
(Psalm 121:1-2)


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

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