prayer is dependent upon our faith

"Anyone who comes to Him must believe that
He exists and that He rewards those who
earnestly seek Him"
(Hebrews 11:6)

Prayer is totally dependent upon our Faith. Prayer will accomplish nothing unless it is directly attached to faith. It is what makes prayer effective and is an absolute prerequisite in our prayer lives. 

Our faith needs to begin working even before we give voice to our prayers. The Word tells us that when we come to Him we must come believing and that when we acknowledge His existence and His power, then He rewards those who seek Him with their whole heart. He rewards those who seek His face.

If we want to receive from God, we must ask believing that we will get it! We must ask with proper motives in our hearts. We must ask knowing that He is the only ONE who can supply our needs. But we must ask with the foreknowledge of His existence and Sovereignty in our hearts. 

Precious Father, we know that without FAITH our prayers are without effect. Help us, Oh, Lord, to put our prayers into action by standing firm in our Faith in you. We give you praise and glory and honor.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

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