Ecclesiastes 7:23,24 "...I am determined to be wise ~~but this was beyond me.  Whatever wisdom may be, it is far off and most profound ~~who can discover it?"

You wisdom, O God, is higher than I can reach and deeper than I can fathom.  How then can I hope to comprehend it?  How can I become wise if Your wisdom is so far away?  Praise be to You, Gracious God for Christ Jesus is Your gift of wisdom to us. Your Word became flesh in Jesus and lived among us.  In the incarnation You bridged the chasm of our ignorance.  Help me to know Christ, so that in Him I might receive and walk in Your otherwise incomprehensible wisdom.  Amen."  (John 1:14, I Cor.1:20-30, Jas. 1:5) 

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Prayer from Maranatha Worship Bible


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