Today's prayer is a long one. But I find I can't shake these words, the power of the sentiment, the positive cry towards God. Real and raw. Like the psalms. The name of the prayer is "Gentle My Desperation" and is taken from "Guerrillas of Grace: Prayers for the Battle" by Ted Loder.

"Come, Lord Jesus,
touch me
  with love, life-giving as light,
to quiet my anger a little
  and gentle my desperation,
to soften my fears some
  and soothe the knots of my cynicism,
to wipe away the tears from my eyes
  and ease the pains in my body and soul,
to reconcile me to myself
  and then to the people around me,
    and then nation to nation,
that none shall learn war any more,
  but turn to feed the hungry, house the homeless
    and care compassionately for the least of our brothers and sisters.
Reshape me in your wholeness
to be a healing person, Lord.

Come, Lord Jesus,
expand me
  by your power, life-generating as the sea,
to accept
  and use my power,
to do something I believe in
  and be something more of who I mean to be
    and can be,
to inspire me to dream and move,
  sweat and sing,
    fail and laugh,
      cuss and create,
to link my passion with courage,
  my hope with discipline,
    my love with persistence,
to enable me to learn from difficulties,
  grow in adversities,
    gain wisdom from defeats,
      perspective from disappointments,
        gracefulness from crises,
  and find joy in simply living it all fully.
Release me through your power
to be a powerful person, Lord.

Come, Lord Jesus,
startle me
  with your presence, life-sustaining as air,
to open my heart
  to praise you,
to open my mind
  to attend you,
to open my spirit
  to worship you,
to open me
  to live my life
    as authentically and boldly as you lived yours.

Come, Lord Jesus,
be with me
  in my longing;
come, stay with me
  in my needing;
come, go with me
  in my doing;
come, struggle with me
  in my searching;
come, rejoice with me
  in my loving."


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