don't neglect Him

Sometimes, amid the demands of our days and the daily frustrations that can beset us, we neglect to slow down and have some much needed alone time with God. We can easily forget that He is the one who is in control and begin to mistakenly rely on our own resources for our strength. The truth is that God is the only one who we can cry out to that can do anything about our cries. He is the one that we can turn to for guidance. For comfort. For direction. When we get too busy for God, we are just too busy.

Do you have a need? Ask the Father to sustain you. Do you have troubles? The Lord can take your worries and turn them into blessings. If you need strength and wisdom, call out to the Savior and He is the one who can lift you up. There is nothing too big or too small to bring in prayer to our Father. He cares about all the details of our lives and He desires to be our everything. Take time every day to spend intimate time with the Lord.  It is the most important thing you can do and it is the best way to start your day. He is worthy of all of our time.


"Ask and  it will be given to you; seek and
you will find; knock and the door will be
opened to you. For everyone who asks receives;
he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks
the door will be opened"
(Matthew 7:7-8) 


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