Praying for our Grandchildlren

Dear Lord, you have blessed my dearest and me with 9 grandchildren, and 2 great grandsons, and each day as I see our world becoming more and more corrupt, moral values forgotten, and the programs on TV and the movies in the Theatre seem to encourage bad habits, and behavior.  Lord, most of our grandchildren at at a vulnerable age, Junior High, High School and college.  I pray for these dear children and young adults, and ask that your surround them with our protection, love and mercy.  I pray they embrace you in their life style, and choices.  Father, I know you love these dear ones more than I can, and I know how much I love them.  Hold them in your Mighty Strong Arms Lord, and keep them out of harm way.  In you Precious Name, Jesus Christ.  Amen!

I know many of you are parents, grandparents and this prayer is for all those children God has placed in our life and care.

*This picture was taken at my Birthday last May...Not all 11 are in the picture, but they are in my heart.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.


  1. Thankyou for your prayer Wanda, it touches my heart so much. I currently have two of my grandchildren aged 5 & 6 in my care. I pray for them & my children & other grandchildren in agreement with you. I thankyou Lord for our kids & grandkids & I pray Acts 16:31 & Proverbs 11:21 for them in Jesus' precious name, Amen.

  2. Thankyou for your prayer Wanda, it touches my heart so much. I currently have two of my grandchildren aged 5 & 6 in my care. I pray for them & my children & other grandchildren in agreement with you. I thankyou Lord for our kids & grandkids & I pray Acts 16:31 & Proverbs 11:21 for them in Jesus' precious name, Amen.


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