The Path of His Passion

As part of my personal preparation of my heart for Easter, I'm reading the book "The PATH of His Passion" by Bill Crowder.  To journey the last 40 days with Jesus and His Disciples through this book is both inspiring and humbling.  This prayer was in today's reading and the Scripture of the agony in the Garden.  How my heart is touch, and my gratitude increased.

"Blessed Father, how could You love me this much?  How could Your love be so rich that it would suspend the judgment I deserved, placing it instead on Your Son?  I thank You for Your love ~~ help me to rejoice in it.  I thank You for Your grace ~~ assist me to bring honor to it.  Thank You for your Son's obedience ~~ enable me to mirror it.  Thank You for Your often-mysterious will ~~ teach me to embrace it.  Teach me to live a life that is a holy place for Your presence.  For obedience that flows out of love and awe of the Christ, I pray.  Amen


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