The Path of His Passion Part 2

"Then all the disciples left Him and fled" (Matthew 26:56)

At the moment in which Christ displayed His unwavering confidence in the Father's plan, the poor disciples showed how weak their own spiritual stamina was.  As Jesus had warned, all of them abandoned Him to the angry mob ~ and ran away.  All had been warned of this moment, and all had failed to prepare.  Now all run away and hide.  But in the end, all of these eleven disciples will be restored.  As Adam had learned, the God of the garden is the God of grace.  As Jonah learned, the God that is sovereign is also the God of the second chance.  As the disciples will learn, though they abandoned Christ, He will never abandon them.

In our own moments of spiritual desertion, we would do well to remind ourselves of the safety of His presence and the wonders of forgiving grace.  He is the loving Lord who forgives our destructive choices as we confess them to Him.  He is the mighty God who accomplishes His good will in our lives as we yield to Him.  He is the saving Shepherd who cares for His own and protects us ~ sometimes even from ourselves and the worst inclinations of our hearts.

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In the darkness, we try to hid from Your gaze, Lord Jesus, but Your eyes clearly see.  Expose our hearts when they move toward treachery and self-seeking.  Strengthen our hearts when we need to stand strong, and remind us of the perfect peace that comes when we rest in the matchless purposes of the Father's plans.  Remind us that we do not need the weapons of the world or even the armies of heaven to protect us ~~ we need only the Shepherd's powerful care.  Help us to trust You with all our hearts.  Amen

This passage and prayer are taken from the book I am reading for my Easter Meditations.  The Path of His Passion by Bill Crowder.  The picture at the top is from


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