Today many people will forget Church, and be glued to the TV for Super Bowl, so I think it's appropriate to pray for the game and the day.  This would be my prayer.

Dear Lord, you can use anything to accomplish your purposes.  Perhaps today as people all around the country are watching the Super Bowl, I pray there will be safety to the players, and fans.  I pray that as families gather, your Name will be lifted up, and honored.  As we celebrate this Super Sunday, may our hearts be reminded that without YOU, there would be no pleasure in life, but the fleeting kind.  There would no peace, except the peace you bring to  the heart and soul of man.  Lord, I pray the you will quiet any riots that rowdy fans will engage in after the game.  Satan is the god of the world.....Defeat him today in any plans he had to hurt and destroy people.  You are our Love and our Salvation, our Lord and King...May we remember that today!... I love you, Amen!    (And may the best team win)

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

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