Praying for Missionaries

‘Pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ… Pray that I may proclaim it clearly, as I should’ (Colossians 4:3, 4)

I know many missionaries. I went to bible college with a few. I support and pray for several. Here are a few points, complements of the Purpose Driven Life site, to remember when we pray for our friends serving Christ in another country.
Pray that your friends will feel at home in a new country, culture and climate.

Pray for their children, particularly if they are at school in a different country.

Pray for happy family times together, and for the children to love and serve the Lord.

Pray that they won’t resent being separated from their parents, and that the parents won’t fret about their children.

Pray for elderly or frail parents back home and for those who support them. Ask that God would look after them during your friends’ absence.

If the missionary is single, feelings of loneliness and isolation may creep in. Pray for good, sustaining friendships, for holiday arrangements and time to relax and unwind.

Pray for your friends when it’s time to adjust back to life in their own country. Pray that as they visit churches and supporters they would build strong links and renew relationships.

Pray for good relationships with national Christian leaders and with fellow workers, some of whom may come from different cultures and countries.

Grasping the language takes time. Pray as your friends learn a new language, understand its nuances and attempt to communicate. Pray against set backs and discouragement.

Pray for their language helpers; people with the courage to correct and advise, and who will encourage your friends in their work.

Pray for the leaders in your friends’ country. Pray for freedom to preach the gospel. For political stability.
Lord, please help us to remember those who represent you in other lands. Give us a heart to intercede for them by name and help bear their burdens in prayer. To you we commit them trusting in the name of Jesus.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

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