A Voter's Prayer

Today people in South Carolina are casting ballot's in their state's primary.
Please join with me in prayer.

To You who search the hearts of men and know their hearts like no other,
we ask for help to:
  • look past the surface issues and see what You see;
  • silence the loud political voices and hear what you hear;
  • reject harsh rhetoric words and speak things pleasing to you;
  • breath in the aroma of your sweet presence as we vote and
  • feel your leading deep within as we cast our ballots.
All praise and honor be to the King of kings and Lord of lords.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.


  1. What a fine prayer, Kansas Bob. I will be praying this for each state as they vote, and me as I vote.
    It is so very difficult to see and hear past all the noise. I needed to be reminded of this.
    ~ linda

  2. Boy do we need the Lord's guidance in this race!! Lord help us to see just what Bob has posted in this wonderful prayer.


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