the kingdom prayer

As you go preach this message: ‘The kingdom of heaven is near.’

It is likely that you are here, reading these words, for a single reason. For you know in your heart that the kingdom of heaven is near.

Maybe you can image a life eternal with the God of the universe… sitting at a banquet table… where you are welcome and honored. A child of God in the presence of the Lord.

Perhaps you have felt the kingdom of heaven here on earth. The cool breeze that brings an unexpected peace. The musical tone that offers a sudden joy. The feeling that a comforting hand is on your shoulder… even when you are alone.

You may have experienced the kingdom of heaven through others… a warm smile from a stranger… a helping hand when needed most.

Maybe you cannot imagine, have never felt or experienced these things, but you are still filled with hope, that yes you are loved, yes you matter, yes, everything will be alright.

If any of this is true, my prayer today is simple. Go and preach this message: ‘The kingdom of heaven is near.”

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

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