thursday: nine

You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor.

Sometimes it’s intentional, often It’s not – just me thinking I know the truth when I am so misinformed. Sometimes I just nod my head to someone else’s lie—tacitly agreeing to what I know is wrong. Yet someone gets hurt. Someone always gets hurt.

What’s worse—O Lord—I’ll sometimes imply something without actually saying it. So I can claim innocence. This sinful ploy being known only by you and me. I am sorry. So sorry.

Thank you for the example you provide, dear Jesus. You speak the truth directly to the one in question, never behind their back. You show us how to love our neighbors as ourselves.

Help us keep the kingdom of God in our vision always, so we can silence our tongues. Let us be bold to seek out our neighbor. Put the truth on our hearts—no matter the cost.

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

1 comment:

  1. great reminder about our words and how careless we can be with them sometimes. may our tongues be used for HIS glory and to edify and encourage and spread the gospel!


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