What is the Source of Your Joy?

Psalm 86:12 - “I will praise Thee, O Lord my God, with all my heart: and I will glorify Thy name for evermore.”

What is bringing you joy today? You say, “The Lord is making me happy.” How do you know it’s not that nice automobile? Or that “special someone”? Or your good looks? Or your bank account? Or your popularity? Here’s how you can know. By the process of elimination. Let God take away your health, your home, your job, and if you still have joy, then you know it is Jesus.

If you lose your joy when you lose any of these things, then you are an idolater because that is where you are getting your joy! I don’t mean that you cannot be temporarily upset over the loss, but if the joy goes out of your life, you weren’t getting your joy from the Lord. You’ll never know that Jesus is all you need until Jesus is all you have. ~Adrian Rogers

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