Smooth Sailing

God has not promised you smooth sailing, but He has promised you a safe landing. He has a purpose in allowing every circumstance into your life. You can bank on this: He’ll see you to the shore in every storm of life. Andrew Murray said, “God is willing to assume full responsibility for the life totally yielded to Him.” One of these days your destiny will be fulfilled. And soon and very soon, He is going to step down from the
mountain of His glory, and the trumpet will sound. Our little ship will leave the sea of time and immediately we’ll be on the shores of eternity. If you are a child of God, when He comes, He’s coming for you! He’s coming for me! ~Adrian Rogers

Philippians 1:6 - “Being confident of this very thing, that He which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ.”


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