Prayer for those who Battle Cancer

My family is dealing with cancer in a major way these days. My brother (he is 70) discovered that he has lung cancer this summer and he has been going through chemo. And my niece, aged 43, has been battling cancer for three years now. She has been on a ventilator the past month. All I could do was cry when my sister (her mom) called and shared the recent events with me. So please join me in praying these prayers for my brother, niece and all who are battling cancer.

One of the names of God is "Jehovah Rapha", the Lord that heals. Knowing that, we pray that cancer roots will dry at the command of our great Lord and malignant cells will stop spreading at the command of God. We intercede and ask that His Word will restore health to victims of cancer.

We pray for all those taking chemotherapy and other medicines to treat cancer. We ask that the Lord will work out His perfect will in those situations and bring about healing. We ask that The Great Physician will heal all those that have undergone surgery and radiation therapy and pray that all the cancer cells will be destroyed.

Finally, we intercede for all those, patients and family members, who are too weak to pray. We ask that they would be supported by friends, families and neighbors in their battle against cancer. In the midst of deep despair and suffering we ask that a fragrant hope would rise toward heaven. And in a very fearful time we ask that faith, not fear, would not rule the day.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.


  1. oh, Father God, we claim VICTORY over the evils of cancer! We claim healing and power and life to all those affected. YOU ARE GOD and You are the Great Physician. We love you and we give you all praise and all glory!

  2. My father died of cancer two years ago this week. (Sept. 28) Though I miss him intensely, I found God very close to our entire family those four weeks we knew and cared for him. Underneath the evil of the disease was a hidden blessing I think I may never fully understand.

  3. My oldest has been struggling with cancer about 5 years now,he's done many chemo treatments and recently his told him that the treatments weren't working and will be seeing another oncologist about a clinical trial..all that's on his mind is dying and scared,worried, fearing death...I as his mother can only ask him to be strong and not give into the mind that he will give up.I have to let God be in control.

    1. Standing with you in prayer for your son. For him, I ask for peace that transcends understanding. For you, the grace to let go of control. And blessings to you both.


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