"the Name"

As I was studying old testament history a few weeks ago, I learned that when the priests were saying the prayer in the temple, they never uttered the name for God. They didn't say "YHWH" or even "Jehovah". They so reverenced His Name that they referred to the Almighty God as "Hashem". That literally meant "the Name".  This practice of respect still takes place today in the Jewish world.

God is to be so highly feared and reverenced that even His Name is considered Holy. Hashem.... the Name.... worthy to be honored and worthy to be praised. Let our prayers reflect this in a mighty way.

Oh, mighty God, may we reverence Your Name with such honor! As we utter our prayers let your name be held in the highest regard. You truly are Jehovah. El Elyon - the God most High. The great I AM. Let our hearts fully embrace the knowledge of who you are. You are 'the Name'. You are 'Hashem'. You are God. We give you all honor and praise that is due your name. We bow down and worship you with all that we are and all that we have. 


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1 comment:

  1. As morning dawns and evening fades
    You inspire songs of praise
    That rise from earth to touch Your heart and glorify Your Name

    Your Name is a strong and mighty tower
    Your Name is a shelter like no other
    Your Name, let the nations sing it louder
    'Cause nothing has the power to save
    But Your Name


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