sing praises to our God!

"Praise ye the LORD. Praise ye the name
of the LORD; praise him, O ye
servants of the LORD."
(Psalm 135:1)


This passage of scripture clearly indicates to us just how important it is to praise our amazing LORD! We are to praise Him above all else. Before all else. In spite of all else. 

The most important part of our prayer time with our awesome God, is when we praise Him for who He is and what He does in our lives. Every prayer that we utter from our lips should begin with praise to our Creator.  Praise for His majesty and His sovereignty. Praise for His power and His goodness. Praise for His unending mercy and His generous grace.

Once we begin to see our God for who He is, the praise will just pour forth from our mouths and hearts like a fountain. Then our prayers will begin to be more about Him than us. When we start praising the King of kings,  our prayers begin to take a totally different path and then our lives will begin to follow that path to a life richer in the knowledge of our God and in love for our God.

"Praise the LORD; for the LORD 
is good: sing praises unto his name;
for it is pleasant."
(Psalm 135:3)


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

1 comment:

  1. "Before all else. In spite of all else."

    Amen. This morning I was singing these words in praise to our Lord:

    Your steadfast love O Lord never ceases.
    Your mercies never come to an end.
    They are new this morning.
    Great is your faithfulness.

    Praise has gotten me through some of the toughest times of my life. I will continue to praise Jesus.


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