Prayer for the Blessing of Stem Cells

Today my wife Ann is getting a stem cell transplant. It is scheduled for 1:30pm CDT. I found this blessing on a blog titled "What About Bob?" and thought that it would be appropriate to pray today.

This is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it.

Most Merciful God, Creator and Sustainer of LIfe,

We come before you today, humbled by your great gift of life. In your infinite love, you planted within us these tiny cells that have the power to heal and renew. For giving scientists, physicians, and nurses the knowledge to use these cells for our well-being, we give you thanks. For having brought us to this special day, we give you thanks.

Today, we ask a special blessing on Ann as he receives these life-giving cells. Let her trust not only in their power to heal, but in Your invitation to new life and new birth. Grant Ann patience and hope as she waits for the restoration of body, mind, and spirit.

And now, send your spirit upon these cells, blessing them with your love and healing power.

In Your Holy Name, we pray.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.


  1. My prayers too, Bob.
    Praying for the cells and new birth.

  2. What a beautiful picture of NEW BIRTH... Ann, we are all waiting with anticipation for your new birth.

    Love and Hugs

  3. Praying along with you today.

  4. praying for your precious wife! oh, Lord, heal her body1


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