prayer and praise

Prayers needed for my son-in-law Cody. He and his wife Ashlie have 2 young boys, 4 and 2 and she is expecting their 3rd child - a precious little girl - in about 5 weeks. Yesterday he was helping a friend fix a barn roof and apparently part of the wood was rotten and they didn't know. Cody fell through and fell on his back. He has been moved to Shreveport for surgery. He has 3 broken vertebrae, 2 ruptured discs and one of the bones is proturding into the spine. He doesn't have any spinal damage. He can move his arms and legs just fine. Please pray for them as they are 3 hours from home and away from their boys. He is waiting for a surgery time today but is still in a good deal of pain. He was supposed to go back to work in about 2 weeks. He is a pipeliner, so now we don't know what he will be able to do after he recovers. Cody is 28 and my girl is just 21. Please cover them in your prayers.

Lord, we thank you that you are the author of all things in our life. You created us and you have ordained each step of our journey on this earth. You have a plan for us and it is the BEST plan. We can always rest assured that whatever journey you take us on, you will be right there with us. Thank you for you hand of protection on Cody - it could have been much worse than it is. I praise you for your goodness and your mercy and your faithfulness. We love you and trust you in all things. You are our God and You are sovereign! We lift up all who are in need of a touch and ask that you minister to each one just as they need it. In the might and saving name of Jesus Christ our Lord,


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.


  1. Praying for Cody....Thanks for all the good reminders in this prayer. Agreeing with you in all of it.

  2. Joining you in prayer for Cody and Ashlie and their family. Praising God he can still move.


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