Is there meaning in tragedy?

When tragedy strikes, it is common for people to ask, “What does this mean?” When we witness some disaster or mass murder, there is a natural feeling that what has happened should not have happened. This innate sense of “wrongness” is a clue to meaning in these events. When we look to find meaning in tragedy, we must have the right perspective. We need to approach the question in a way that allows for a coherent answer, and this is only possible through a Christian worldview. Because God instills meaning into every moment and event in history, through Him we can begin to find meaning in suffering. The nature of this world lends itself to tragic events. Fortunately, God speaks to us, so that we can find not only meaning, but salvation and relief from the sufferings of the world.

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  1. Years ago I was taught to pray "What?" instead of "Why?" It is helpful when bad things happen to ask God what I can learn from them.

  2. A wise friend told me when I want to ask "why me", I should say "why not me"? If God is in control of my life why not me...there is a reason. There is a bigger purpose.

  3. this couldn't have been posted at a better time Ron. Given what our little town went through this past week or so, this was so perfect to help us answer that very question to those who ask.

    The truth is, God gave us His precious Son so that we could have life. Anything else He bestows upon us is just blessings heaped upon our heads. He owes us nothing. But out of His immense love for us, continues to give.

    Love to you!


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