He is the TRUE God!

"But the LORD is the true God,
and an everlasting King...."
(Jeremiah 10:10)
Oh, God, our prayer today is that you would reveal yourself to us for who You are!  You are the true God. The everlasting king! Make your glory known to us in a powerful and tangible way. Let us see you in all your Kingship. May we reverence and honor your name in all that we do and say. Open our eyes to an enlightened understanding of your majesty and your goodness. You are merciful and gracious and loving. You are all that we need. You are our hope and our strength. We praise you and worship you and thank you for your abundant presence in our lives. In the mighty, saving, delivering and everlasting name of Jesus,


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.


  1. Joining you in this marvelous prayer. Amen, and Amen.

  2. "You are our hope and our strength."

    Amen! I sense His strength today and it gives me hope!


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