the divine Comforter

"The Spirit intercedes for the saints
in accordance with God's will"
(Romans 8:27)

The Comforter plants Himself not in the mountains, but in the middle of the human heart, to rouse it to the struggle and to teach it the need of prayer.

The Divine Comforter puts the burden of earth's need into human hearts and makes human lips give voice to their unutterable groaning!

What a mighty Christ of prayer is the Holy Spirit! How He quenches every flame in the heart but the flame of heavenly desire. How He quiets, like a weaned child, all the self-will, until we pray only as He prays.

(reprinted from The Power of Prayer by E.M. Bounds)

Father, I thank You that Your Spirit intercedes for us in accordance to Your will. What a mighty God we serve!


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.


  1. Amen. Knowing that He is making intercession for me gives me comfort beyond words.

  2. Yes, we know His will is being accomplished when HE makes intercession for us. Thank you Holy Spirit!


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