why pray?

I fear that, too often, we get the wrong idea about prayer and what it's all about. Some people even ask, "Why pray at all?" and yet others think the basic purpose of prayer is about obtaining things from God. George MacDonald offered this rationale for prayer in "Our Daily Bread" and I thought it was good enough to share:

What if God knows prayer to be the thing we need first 
and most? What if the main object in God's idea of
prayer is a supplying of our great, our endless need - the
the need of Himself?... Communion with God is the one 
need of the soul beyond all other need. Prayer is the
beginning of that communion, of talking with God, a coming-to-one
with Him, which is the sole end of prayer, yea of
existence itself.

I love the truth that God wants us to Himself. He desires communion with us! In fact, His Word tells us that He delights in us! His purpose in prayer is not about what it does for us in terms of receiving. It's about what it does for us in terms of giving. Giving Him praise and honor and all glory. He wants us to know Him in a sweet and intimate way. Prayer is the method He uses to accomplish that. Prayer is more than just about the hand of God granting us favor or mercy. Prayer is about that precious Hand of God period. 

Sweet Father, give us eyes to see the majesty of who you are. Give us the ears to hear your voice speak and the desire to commune with you in prayer for nothing more than just to sit in your presence. Help us to see that prayer is not about us at all. It's all about you. 

"But we will give ourselves continually to prayer,
and to the ministry of the Word"
(Acts 6:4)


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