A prayer of ministering

"I waited patiently for the LORD; and he inclined
unto me, and heard my cry"
Psalm 40:1


Precious Father, there are so many people in this world that are hurting physically and emotionally. So  many that are hurting spiritually. There are people who are lost and confused. Looking for answers and coming up short. There are people trying to find the right path and aren't sure which direction to go. My prayer is that you will minister to each person and each need today. Reach down from your heavenly Throne of Grace and wrap them up in your sweet embrace. Speak gently to their spirits. Soothe their wounded hearts with the balm of your healing hand. Draw them to your side and reveal the Truth of who you are to their souls. Oh, sweet Father, dispense your generous grace and lavish love to them in such a way that they know they have received a touch from You today. Thank you, Lord, for being our Strength and our Shield. Our Refuge and our Protector. Thank you for being our Comforter. We give you all praise and all honor and all glory that is so due your Name. In the mighty, saving and delivering name of Jesus,


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