Do you have a Secret Place, where you can steal away and get lost in communication with the Lord.  He so desires that from us.  I have found some of my most precious times in prayer were in the "Secret Place".  The following is from the "Worship Bible" and gives us a picture of what the Lords desires of us.

"My Beloved ~ Have you ever doubled My heart for you?  Is that why you find it hard to ask for My help when you are in such great need?  Have faith in your heavenly Father.  Know that My promises are true.

If you ask of Me you will receive.  Not on your terms, but on Mine.  If you seek Me you will find Me; I will come to you.  If you knock, I will open the door for you.  I have spoken; I have promised; I have invited you to come to Me.  Now I am awaiting your response.

I long to spend time alone with you.  My beloved.  Sometimes it is hard for you to be transparent with Me when other are around.  So get away somewhere private, in your room or in a quiet garden.  And when you come to Me in secret, I will demonstrate My goodness to you before many.  They will know of My love for you.

If you wonder whether I desire to bless you, think about this:  Even evil people know how to give good gifts to their children.  So just imagine how much more I not only want to do, but also can do for you, if you will just ask Me.  I am your heavenly Father, the Lord who delights in those who put their hope in My unfailing love.

(Ps 147:11, Mt.6:6,7:7-11, Jn.16:23, I Jn.5:14,15)


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1 comment:

  1. "Not on your terms, but on Mine."

    That so speaks to me Wanda! Thank you for sharing this today.


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