The New Zealand Prayer Book

The New Zealand Prayer Book was picked up by my dearest at our local thrift shop.  It's in excellent shape and full of interesting prayer, and Responsive Readings.  The following is a prayer I read today, and wanted to share.  The above picture of New Zealand is from

"Dear God, thank you for all that is good, for our creation and our humanity, for the stewardship you have given us of this planet earth.  For the gifts of life and of one another.  For your love which is unbounded and eternal.

When we have wounded your love ~~O God heal us.
When we stumble in the darkness ~ Light of the World transfigure us.
When we forget that we are your home ~ Spirit of God dwell in us.

Living flame ~ burn into us.
Cleansing wind ~ blow through us.
Fountain of water ~ well up within us,
that we may love and praise in deed and truth.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

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