send the rain

"... He will come to us as the showers, as the spring rains that water the earth"
(Hosea 6:3b)

Precious Father, we come before you with hearts and spirits in need of a downpour. Come to us like the cleansing and refreshing rain. Saturate our spirits with the overflow of your goodness and your mercy. Fill our parched and dry souls with an abundance of living water that will forever quench our thirst. Draw us near. Continue to beckon us to seek you in all that we do. Renew our awe and wonder of  who You are. As we lift our faces toward heaven, open the floodgates and drench us in your love. May we glory in the rain the brings restoration to our hearts and souls. 


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

1 comment:

  1. Love the imagery of falling rain Beth. Agreeing with you for that spiritual refreshing life giving rain in our lives.


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