What is the proper way to pray?

So, what is the proper way to pray? Philippians 4:6-7 tells us to pray without being anxious, to pray about everything, and to pray with thankful hearts. God will answer all such prayers with the gift of His peace in our hearts. The proper way to pray is to pour out our hearts to God, being honest and open with God, as He already knows us better than we know ourselves. We are to present our requests to God, keeping in mind that God knows what is best and will not grant a request that is not His will for us. We are to express our love, gratitude, and worship to God in prayer without worrying about having just the right words to say. God is more interested in the content of our hearts than the eloquence of our words. ~gotquestions.org

Recommended Resource: Prayer, The Great Adventure by David Jeremiah.

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.


  1. "The proper way to pray is to pour out our hearts to God, being honest and open with God, as He already knows us better than we know ourselves."

    Great advice Ron!

  2. Great prayer and thoughts. Don and I really enjoy watching David Jerimiah on TV.

  3. I agree! Great post!

    Newest follower thanks for stopping by my blog!


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